About MJville
MJville was created by MJ Vilardi at the suggestion of Mr. Pink of Los Angeles, who must have thought MJ needed an activity to keep him busy.
MJ is a creative consultant whose background includes film and video production, art direction, and new media.
MJville consists of blog entries and related audio podcasts on a wide variety of topics, including:
- the new journalism
- respecting Earth – how are we to live?
- cultural best behavior – can we all just get along?
- consumerism – has it devoured culture?
- ingredients of a “perfect” movie
A blog entry kicks off a new topic, and offers several Skype time windows for interviews and discussions. MJville contributors who want to be included in the podcast email their timeslot preference (please remove “nospam” from this address link).
Getting Set Up
The interviews and discussions are conducted using Skype, so if you’d like to participate, please sign up for a free Skype subscription. Then join MJville as a contributor by clicking on Register in the sidebar. When you send us your join-up email, please include your Skype name, time zone, and preferred interview daypart.
More details at Become a correspondent.
Contact MJville
Please send questions, comments, suggestions and contributions to: mj (at) mjville (dot) com… please replace the anti-spam parenthetical with the real characters in the address… Consider joining us as a correspondent. We look forward to hearing from you!